The focus areas of this second
Nanotribology meeting in Sikkim were Friction and Biotribology. The workshop
consisted of invited and submitted lectures and poster presentations, with extensive
opportunities for discussion.
As with other meetings in the INF
Bali-Sikkim Nanotribology Series, young researchers, especially from developing
countries, were particularly encouraged to attend.
Topics for NanoSikkim II
Fundamentals of Friction
Interfacial Physics and Chemistry of Friction
Friction: Simulation and Theory
Novel Experiments in
Biomimetic Lubrication
Ando, Yasuhisa
Bain ,Colin University of Oxford, UK |
Bobji, M. S. Indian Institute of Science, India |
Gellman,Andrew Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Granick , Steve University of Illinois, USA |
Grunze, Michael UniversitŠt Heidelberg, Germany |
Heuberger, Manfred UniversitŠt Heidelberg, Germany |
Kato, Koji Tohoku University, Japan |
Krim, Jacqueline North Carolina State University, USA |
Landmann,Uzi Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
Luckham,Paul Imperial College of Science & Technology, UK |
Persson, Bo Institut fźr Festkšrperforschung, Deutschland |
Pethica, John University of Dublin, Ireland |
Ralston, John University of South Australia, Australia |
Rieker,Claude Centerpulse Orthopedics Ltd., Switzerland |
Robbins,Mark The Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Singer,Irwin Naval Research Laboratory, USA |
Sokoloff,Jeffrey Northeastern University, USA |
Spencer,Nic Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland |
Spikes, Hugh Imperial College of Science & Technology, UK |
Tung, Simon General Motors R&D Center, USA |
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