Nanotribology 2000



The conference, covering theory, experiment and applications of nanotribology will take place in
Ubud, Bali from 11th - 14th April 2000.

For further details:


 Theme and style of the conference.

 Who to contact.


 Scientific Programme


 Collection of Accepted Abstracts

Speakers include:

Yasuhisa Ando, MEL, Tsukuba
Urs Duerig, IBM, Zurich
Mike Falvo, U. North Carolina
Masamichi Fujihira, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Steve Granick, U. Illinois
Steve Hsu, NIST
Reizo Kaneko, Wakayama U.
Uzi Landman, Georgia Tech.
Ernst Meyer, U. Basel
Hidetaka Nanao, Iwate University
Miquel Salmeron, UC Berkeley
Bill Unertl, U. Maine
Masahiro Yanagisawa, NEC

Conference organizers:

Suzi Jarvis, JRCAT, Tsukuba
Reizo Kaneko, Wakayama U.
John Pethica, U. Oxford
Nic Spencer, ETH, Zurich
Mark Welland, U. Cambridge


Support for the conference has been received from:

Japanese Society of Tribologists (Microtribology Division)
The Institute of Physics
Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture
Biophysics Laboratory, Dept. of Physics, Brawijaya University, Malang, Java

Last updated 21st March 2000
Web Design: Nic Spencer